Thursday, November 20, 2008

A Day Lily Blooms in November

Our little city garden supprised us this week: the day lily bloomed in November!

We've been having this crazy weather this fall. Sometimes cool, but then it warms up. The killing frost that should accompany El Día de los Muertos (Nov. 2) never came.

The last 2 weekends it was in the 60s (15-18 deg. C) and it got one of the day lily plants a bit confused. There was a yellow flower coming out in November!

It should only be blooming during the summer. But this summer was very wet and it only bloomed when we were away in Peru. But this one little bloom in November makes up for it.

The killing frost finally came this week, but the yellow flower remains.

Here's the little flower, hiding in our front planter:

1 comment:

Manz said...

Manz here... from Australia :)

Well - we are supposed to be heading into summer here, and we have been having "get the fire going" weather! It's raining today and freezing... and then you go outside and all the trees are still flowering - very strange!

Thanks for sharing your pics.