Thursday, April 16, 2009

Open Toe Season Is Here!

Another sure sign of spring in the northern climes is the start of Open Toe Season! It's April and women are beginning to expose their toes on the way to work.

Now in places like LA where it's always warm, Open Toe Season lasts all year long. But up here where we have a thing called winter with snow and slush and ice and really cold temperatures, the sensible woman invests in a fashionable pair of boots. Along with a long, warm coat, gloves and a hat, a reasonable woman can avoid freezing for the sake of fashion.

On the other hand, if you have someplace really nice to go, or you have a big date, and you have that perfect pair of open toe heels, many a northern girl has been spotted braving winter snows and freezing temperatures forgoing sensible boots to look great.

When is Open Toe Season in Boston?

I've noticed that Open Toe Season is now running from about April (first warm days) to October (first frosty morning). This is not counting college students who can be seen with flipflops and shorts even in the middle of winter. I'm counting only women obviously going to work. For me, I prefer truely warm weather from June through August.

So why do women enjoy Open Toe Season? One younger woman coworker says she enjoys "sockless summers" or one less item of clothing to wash. Others may enjoy showing off their pedicures.

And there's the simplist reason: it's just easier to get to get dressed and out in the morning. No stockings to slip into. Getting dressed can simply be finding a nice top and skirt or a dress. Then slip into sandles, flipflops or other open toe shoes and you're good to go.

Are Flip Flops Appropriate in the Office?
Where there are "business casual" guidelines, they often say flip flops are not appropriate. But with a nice skirt or dress, I think a simple pair of flip flops works -- they don't distract from the overall look. Besides, who's looking at your feet instead of making eye contact?

So, what do you think about flip flops in the office? And how long is Open Toe Season where you live?

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