Monday, September 1, 2008

My little garden

Living in the city, there's not much room for a garden, but we've managed to find room for some color in a sea of buildings and pavement.

Here's a little tour of my little garden!


The Hunky Gardener said...

It looks very nice. I like how you have added color to a shady spot with impatiens. Have you tried the double impatiens? I see Hosta, a hydrangea poking in at the bottom (?) and is that Sweet woodruff in the back?

Good stuff. I am going to send you a message to blog catalog.

Unknown said...

You have a pretty it.

akt said...

Hello Rachy,

Thank you for dropping by my blog! Otherwise, I wouldn't know such a beautiful blog exist! Well, you'll be sure I'll be visiting your place every now and then!
I am having problems accessing MyBlogLog during the weekends, so, I hope I could get something done about it...