Spring came in a strange way this year. First, we had a very mild winter, a welcomed change after last year's record snowfall totals. Then, we had some mild weather in early March, only to get cooler by the end of the month.

April started off with promise, but within the first week we had a snowfall. Anything that was blossoming got confused. The forsythia was starting to come out when the snows and frozen weather stunted their blossoming. After a few weeks of stunted growth, the yellow flowers withered and died off. Same with the magnolias. Normally, by mid-April, much of Back Bay Boston would be splendid with the soft pink and white flowers.
Now we are seeing the full blossoming of spring, but the weather is still cooler than it should be. But the tulips have been out. The dogwoods and other flowering trees are beginning to bloom. All the trees are leafing out, too. It's Kinda Spring, I guess.